Simplify Joomla Registration with Registration Simplifier Plugin

Chris, a dedicated Joomla website owner, had recently installed the UniLogin plugin, making it easier for his users to log in using their email addresses.

However, Chris soon encountered another challenge. He noticed that the default Joomla registration form had too many fields, causing potential users to lose patience and abandon the registration process.

Who has the time or patience to fill out long forms?
Have you ever been frustrated by a lengthy registration process?
Chris realized that by simplifying the registration form, he could improve the user experience and increase the number of successful registrations.

The Search for a Solution

Chris wanted to streamline the registration process by removing the Username and Confirm Password fields, making the form quicker and easier to complete. He reached out to us with his problem statement, asking for a solution that wouldn’t require changes to Joomla’s core files or complex overrides.

To find a ready-made solution, we searched through the Joomla Extensions Directory (JED) but couldn’t find any plugins that met our needs and were compatible with Joomla 4 or Joomla 5.
This led us to develop a custom plugin tailored to Chris’s requirements.

The Birth of Registration Simplifier

We understood Chris’s need for a more efficient registration process. So, we proposed developing a custom user plugin. This plugin would allow administrators to:

  1. Remove Username Field: Simplifying the form by removing the username requirement.
  2. Remove the Confirm Password Field: Further reducing the number of fields users need to fill out.
  3. Set Username as Email During Registration: Streamlining the registration process by using the email address as the username.

Chris was excited about this solution, and thus, the Registration Simplifier plugin was born.

Implementation and User Experience

Once the plugin was developed, Chris installed the Registration Simplifier on his Joomla website. The process was straightforward:

  1. Download and Install: Chris purchased the plugin from the JoomlaX Store for $30. He then installed it on his Joomla website.
  2. Enable the Plugin: After installation, he enabled the plugin from the Joomla plugin manager.
  3. Configure the Plugin: Chris configured the plugin settings to hide the username field and remove the confirm password field. The plugin automatically set the username as the email address during registration.

The new, simplified registration form now included only the fields for Name, Password, and Email. This streamlined approach significantly reduced the time and effort required for new users to create an account.

A Smoother Registration Process

Have you noticed users abandoning your site because the registration form is too long?

After implementing the Registration Simplifier plugin, Chris noticed a significant improvement. Users were no longer deterred by the lengthy form and could quickly complete their registration.

The simplified process led to an increase in successful registrations and a more satisfied user base.

Benefits of Registration Simplifier

  1. Enhanced User Experience: By simplifying the registration form, users can quickly and easily create an account.
  2. Increased Registration Success: Removing unnecessary fields reduces the chances of users abandoning the registration process.
  3. Simple and Effective: The plugin is easy to install and configure, requiring minimal effort from site administrators.


Chris’s journey from facing registration challenges to achieving a streamlined process highlights the importance of user-friendly solutions.

The Registration Simplifier plugin transformed the registration experience for his users, ensuring a quick and easy process.

This plugin is compatible with both Joomla 4 and Joomla 5, making it a versatile solution for various Joomla versions.

Are you facing similar registration issues on your Joomla site? The Registration Simplifier is the perfect solution. It’s time to enhance your user experience and simplify your registration process.

Ready to streamline your registration process? Download Registration Simplifier now and give your users the seamless experience they deserve.

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Picture of Abhilash Sahoo

Abhilash Sahoo

Abhilash Sahoo, with 14 years of experience, is a Certified Joomla and WordPress Expert and the Founder & CEO of Infyways Solutions, specializing in innovative web development solutions.